How to stay healthy while also enjoying time with your friends.
I know there is this misconception that if you live a healthy lifestyle that there is no possible way you can also go out and enjoy yourself with friends, family or a significant other! What is the point of life without enjoying it? Living a healthy lifestyle is all about balance. If you want to eat a slice of pizza with your friends on a Friday night, then EAT IT! We are all about the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time we are eating healthy, working out, being productive… etc. and that other 20% we are enjoying time with friends, having that glass of wine / cocktail, or eating that slice of pizza! Having this mind set not only creates a healthy relationship with food but also with a healthy life in general. Just because you are now living a healthy life does not mean you need to cut out the fun. We are going to give you some tips to stay on track while you do so!
While out for drinks with friends, grab drinks that are low in calories and sugar! Also stray away from carbonated drinks like white claws since these tend to cause bloating
Our favorites are tequila or vodka with soda water and lime or a glass of wine! Tequila with soda water and lime is a great low-calorie drink with almost no sugar at all.
Red wine is the better option of red or white wine considering that white wine is a bit high in sugars. Red wine is heart healthy, has antioxidants and can work as a dilutant to flush water out.
2. While out drinking make sure to also have water close by to avoid hangovers or water retention in the morning that alcohol may cause due to dehydration. Make sure you’re drinking as much water as possible throughout the night.
3. Take a magnesium because bed to aid in digestion and flush out the toxins
4. When out to eat with friends, it may be tempting to eat something more so unhealthy and if that is what you want then totally order the best thing at the restaurant and enjoy it! Everything in moderation! But if you are trying to continue to stay on track a great meal to order is a lean fish or meat such as chicken, salmon, cod, tilapia, or scallops with a veggie as a side and a complex carb such as rice or sweet potato.
5. If ordering a salad, a tip from us would be to order the dressing / dips on the side since restaurants tend to add a very large amount which can then really bump up unnecessary calories.
6. Have a little healthy snack before arriving to the restaurants so you don’t arrive extremely hungry! This way you won’t be as temped to eat the more so unhealthy items and order your healthy dish!